Sunday, September 7, 2008

Prompt Three - The Totally Most Awesome Summer Ever

Thought I'd post mine early so I can get it out of the way before classes start up. Also, I kinda hate myself for writing this. So enjoy. XP

It was summer time now. So Krystal Rose Andriella Magnifica Livingstonhouse should have been really psyched. Usually in the summer she goes to the beach every day with her two bestest friends ever and then they drive around Wealthford Beach, Connecticut in her super awesome Lambo and then they visit their boyfriends and they totally do it all night because they only pick the sexiest guys to be their boyfriends. And then on weekends they always go to the hottest parties and dance the night away and get totally wasted!

But now Krystal was really sad. Because it was already summer and NOTHING good had happened yet. The weather had been really gross and rainy for THREE WHOLE DAYS and it was totally unfair because Krystal really wanted to go to the beach because her tan was already one shade lighter than it was last week. And even worse, her parents hadn't even given her her present yet! They told her this year they were going to give her a special present for the summer, they said it was cause she graduated highschool or something, and they had said that FIVE WHOLE DAYS ago and she hadn't seen it yet!

Then suddenly one morning she woke up and changed out of her favorite Ralph Lauren pajamas and she put on these really cute cutoff shorts and a bright yellow halter top from Nordstrom's that looked totally awesome against her flawless tanned skin. Oh and she has beautiful long, thick, silky, waist-length, naturally bleach-blond hair although she doesn't bleach it cause it just grows in that color all by itself. She also has big, gorgeous, sparkling blue eyes and a cute nose and big soft lips but they're not too big, just right. She's five-four so she's really short and she wishes she was tall like all the supermodels. And she has perfect big boobs that are totally sexy and natural, no implants or anything, but she's also really, really skinny. She's a size zero in jeans, so she's not fat, even though she has really big boobs and ass. Her friends always tell her she's just the perfect size! She was going downstairs and on her way she heard her dad yell out "Krystal, come down into the dining room, we have something to tell you." So she went there.

When she got where she was going she saw her mom and dad sitting in the dining room. "Sweetie we have something to tell you" said her mom. "So sit down and eat some breakfast while we tell you." Krystal sighed cause it was so unfair, this was already the worst summer ever and now her parents were actually making her eat! But then she felt hungry and she remembered she hadn't eaten anything since the tall blended mocha caramel macchiato hazelnut cinnamon latte from Starbucks she had two days ago, so she sat down and ate three whole bites of toast.

"Honey remember how I told you we would get you a special present this year?" Said her dad. "Well here it is. I have been working on it for the past few days so I'm sorry. But I was having our cleaning company go in and fix up our beach front house for you. So you and your two friends can go to the beach house all by yourselves and do whatever you want for two weeks. How does that sound?"

"OH.MY.GOD! THANK YOU MOMMY AND DADDY YOU'RE AWESOME!" Krystal yelled. She was totally psyched now! She jumped up and ran out of the room to go pack. She pulled out her Prada suitcase and filled it with all her Bebe and Ralph Lauren and all her other designer clothes and her Sephora makeup. Then she called her best friends and told them what was going on so they could get ready. They were both really psyched too.

One of her best friends was Julianna Lynnelanna Westmooreton. She was kinda tall at five-eight and had long thick chestnut brown hair that fell to just under her shoulder blades and sexy brown eyes. She had a really nice figure too, but she was a size one in jeans, but it totally wasn't a problem because of her height. And her other best friend was Candace Destinystar Grandworth. She was five-six so she was kinda short, but she was also a size zero like Krystal and she had thick, shiny red hair that curled just under her shoulders. She had sparkling green eyes and a good figure but she was also naturally really pale so she had to tan the most out of all of them.

So they all got picked up in Krystal's dad's limo and they went out to the beach house. It was totally beautiful and there were a ton of rooms and a huge pool and bar out back. As soon as the limo driver dude went away the girls all drove Krystal's Lambo into town and used their fake IDs to buy tons of alcohol to put in the bar! Then they went to the beach.

At the beach they spent all day looking hot and flirting with all the sexy boys that walked past them. And they also watched all the people zooming around the ocean in their really cool speedboats and wished they could do that too.

Then suddenly, "Hey!" said a boy. Krystal turned to look at him. He was tall and had beautiful tanned skin and a really buff chest and arms, and even a six-pack. His hair was dark brown and spiked up with a lot of gel, and he had ice-blue eyes. "Hey, said Krystal." They talked for a while. She found out his name was Justin and he was on vacation here too with some of his friends. He was also really loaded and he had ten billion dollars. She asked if he had a cool speedboat too. "Yeah, but I can't drive it right now cause it needs a new propeller," he said. "I have to go pick up a new pimped-out one tomorrow. Maybe you could come with me and afterwards we could hang out on the boat." "That sounds awesome!" Krystal said. I'm so excited!" And right after that Julianna and Candace found guys too and planned to spend the day with them.

So the next morning Justin picked her up in his Ferrari and they went to the propeller store. They went in and the girl at the counter brought out a big box. Justin opened it and Krystal saw a shiny, golden propeller. "Oh wow! A solid gold propeller! You are sooooo sexy!" she said and she hugged Justin. "Um no miss, that's bronze," said the counter girl. Krystal's jaw dropped. "Why isn't it GOLD, Justin? It's NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" "Ok, calm down babe," said Justin. "I'll buy a solid gold one for you because you're so beautiful." Krystal smiled. "Um sir I can order you a solid gold one if you really want but it will take about a week to get here." Justin started doing all this boring paperwork stuff so Krystal went outside and listened to her Ipod.

While she was out there a guy was walking past. He was about five-eight and was kinda tan, but not as much as Justin. He had a really hot face and nice light brown hair bleached at the tips, but he wasn't that buff and he definitely didn't have good pecs. He went over and introduced himself as Jason and said he wAS ON VACATION TOo. He was kinda rich cause he had five billion dollars. He asked what she was doing later and she said she was hanging out with her boyfriend. Then he invited them to his party on Saturday and she said they might be there.

So then she and Justin went driving around in his Ferrari and afterwards they went back to his beach front house and got totally drunk. Then they did it in his Ferrari and it was really sexy. Justin said it was the best sex ever.

The next few days Krystal spent time hanging out with Justin, Candace and Julianna and their new boyfriends. They all had an awesome time at the beach and they went drinking every night. Then it was Saturday and they all decided to go to Jason's party. But then Justin suddenly couldn't go cause he had to go pick up the new propeller! Krystal was kinda sad but her friends promised they would all have a great time. So she went and she started dancing with Jason. He was an awesome dancer and they were both drunk and having a good time so they went upstairs to his bedroom and they did it. Krystal felt kinda bad about it especially because he wasn't as good as Justin but he was just so nice she really didn't want to be rude and say no.

So the next week was kinda hard for Krystal and she was bummed about that because she wanted to have an awesome vacation. Justin got his propeller and they had an awesome time going really fast around the lake with his new blingin' solid gold propeller. But she didn't know whether she wanted Justin or Jason more. Justin was really fucking gorgeous and had ten billion dollars but he had almost bought a BRONZE propeller instead of a gold one, but Jason was kinda hot and only had five billion dollars but was super nice. Krystal knew this would be the biggest decision of her life. So she went and got her nails done while she decided. Then when her nails were dry she texted Julianna and Candace on her pink cellphone studded with diamonds to tell them who she chose.

That night was their last night at the beach house and they were also throwing the biggest bash of the summer. All the coolest and sexiest people in town were there and everybody was drinking, dancing and having a fantastic time. But she knew it was time to make her decision. She went out to the middle of the dance floor and had the DJ stop the music. "Attention everyone, I have an announcement to make," she said. "I choose... JUSTIN!" Justin came forward and they kissed with lots of tongue and it looked really beautiful and sexy. Krystal just knew in her heart that he was different from all the others and they would get married and have lots of babies and be happy forever. So it was totally the most awesome summer ever.



ARTISt said...
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Michael. said...

Oh wow. I think your writing is really good. It's like, it's really real, and when I was reading it, I could totally picture everything. You describe stuff totally great. I could totally imagine myself there! I also liked how you included lots of symbols and stuff and how the bronze totally represented love or something. You should submit this to wherever gives out noble prizes! Plus I really felt bad when she had to wait so long for her present. I was seriously almost crying! Parents can be such jerks. Also Candace totally made me feel sad because she was pale. Gross!

The ending actually did make me cry! It was so happy! I want to have like a hundred thousand babies when I'm older and play dress up with them. They'll be like a million tiny mes.

I think you need to describe some stuff b etter though cause I didn't really know what type of boobs Krystal had. Plus you even say other designer clothes! I mean, I need to know which designer stuff.

And it was TOTALLY unrealistic whn she ate three bites of toast. I mean, think of all those carbs! EWwWW!

sorry i postted with my wrong name!!!!

Duke said...

You know what I love about this? It sounds like it was written by The Overgrown-Guy Girlfriend. further critique. It's...just...funny. We must discuss on Monday. :)